The Rules
- No griefing! This means any form of modification of others’ work or defacing of the landscape for no purpose other than to make it look bad or unnatural (this does include leaving treetops floating in the air).
- No theivery. Do not take anything from any chest/building/etc that isn’t explicitly marked as for the public.
- Do NOT engage in any form of attack. This means no heated arguments, no profanity, no hate speech, and no harassing people.
- Do NOT ask for promotions. It will only delay them.
- When you are in creative mode, DO NOT use un-natural materials, nor spawning mobs that do not below there.
- Do NOT modify others’ work. If you wish to help, ask. This includes your best buddy, as he could still get mad at you.
- Do NOT build single block towers or holes. They’re annoying, look bad, and the holes can be a risk to players if fall damage is ever turned on.
- Do NOT ask for generated materials. All materials must be found or created legitimately. Furthermore, do NOT ask for your inventory to be restored if you accidentally fall in lava or leave the house at night without a sword. Unless a staff member has killed you with their unnatural control of lightning and fire, your inventory is forfeit upon death.
- No client-side mods except minimap. OptiFine is allowed as well, and highly recommended.
- Stake your claim – always mark areas with signs. This is very important! It’s very easy to mine into someone’s house if it’s not marked nearby. Let people know you’re there!
- Respect other peoples' claims! There is room for consideration in cases of unwanted claims nearby, but don't claim something which is already claimed by someone else.
- Check a town’s rules before building there. They should be at the towns' gate, or warp point.
- Anything done on your account is YOUR responsibility. If anyone manages to get on your account and grief, you will be banned because we can’t be sure that it wasn’t you; also, your password should be strong enough to deter hackers.
- Punishment will be administered at the discretion of the attending staff member.
We'd like to stress that our server is founded on maturity — if you can’t deal with the rules and get along with people, there are plenty of other servers available. However, if you’re civil and willing to contribute, we’ll be happy to see you online!
Minecraft in Zutphen.nu
Zutphen.nu is a dutch based Bukkit server, running up-to-date with mainly default settings and plugins, for fun and administration. We're a group of people playing and building for fun, creativity and community.